Senior Project Day 9

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

 Today I went to Working Bikes and finished working on the shipment to Africa. Since the guy from Africa was here he helped us out carry the bikes up the ramp way. My main job for today was to hand the bikes up to the people putting them in the shipping container. After a couple of  hours, Alex, the guy I was helping had to leave, so I was the only one putting the bikes in the shipping container. I needed help stacking the bikes, so I got Colette and Jerry to help. I helped with stacking bikes and carrying the bikes and after many hours of sweat and backbreaking lifting, we were done. We added some bike rims, helmets and we also added more tubes. At the end of putting all the bikes in, we had a problem. We had to cut some of the plywood so it would fit inside of the container and we also added some straps to make sure the bikes didn’t come crashing down when they opened up the container. After finishing the container, I talked to Gabe the delivery guy about the pickup tomorrow. We agreed to meet at 2:30 pm at the Belmont Flats to pickup the fifty bikes I was donating.  

Hours 7

Total hours: 61


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